I’m Sophie, a product designer specializing in fintech startups

For those who breathe with their brand, ready to unlock its full power and present it to the world through exquisite websites

Hello, welcome
to my portfolio

My Process

User Research & Discovery

This initial phase is all about diving deep into understanding the needs, behaviors, and pain points of our target users. We gather data, conduct interviews, and analyze user feedback to build a solid foundation for our design decisions.

Ideation & Conceptualization

Once armed with insights, we unleash our creativity. This step involves brainstorming, sketching, and exploring innovative design ideas. It's a dynamic phase where we generate a variety of concepts, all with the user's best interests in mind.

Prototyping & Design

With promising ideas in hand, we start crafting tangible representations of our designs. Wireframes, mockups, and interactive prototypes bring our concepts to life. We focus on refining the details, ensuring the user interface is intuitive and visually appealing.

User Testing & Iteration

User feedback is invaluable. We put our designs in front of real users and stakeholders, carefully observe their interactions, and gather their feedback. This data guides our iterative process, enabling us to fine-tune and optimize the design for the best user experience possible.

Let's work together

Have a project proposal?